
Art or business?

Jill Magid, the artist, reframing a situation: In 2002, as an artist in residence at the Rijksakademie, in Amsterdam, Magid began noticing the large number of surveillance cameras in the city—anonymous gray boxes, mounted on everything from the corners of buildings to coffee-shop awnings. One February morning, she went to the police headquarters and explained […]

Creativity Miscellany

The mind of an architect

In the early 1950s, the Institute of Personality Assessment and Research (IPAR) at the University of California, Berkeley began developing new and different ways to analyze personalities. The scientists at IPAR attempted what many thought was impossible: to study creativity in a methodical and scientific way, working to determine what specific personality traits make certain […]


Time capsule

In 2012, Russian workers repairing a statue of Lenin unearthed a time capsule with a letter from a Soviet youth group from 1979. It reads, in part: ‘‘Let your character be courageous. Let your songs be happier. Let your love be hotter. We do not feel sorry for ourselves, because we are certain you will […]


On controlling the narrative

There are different ways to control a narrative. There’s the old-fashioned way: Classify documents that you don’t want seen and, as Gates said, ‘‘keep mum on the details.’’ But there’s also the more modern, social-media-savvy approach: Tell the story you want them to believe. Silence is one way to keep a secret. Talking is another. […]


Holacracy: all voices matter

…an organization, like a plane, is equipped with sensors in the form of its people, all of whom are capable of sensing the reality around them. Unfortunately, in command-and-control organizations, not everyone’s voice matters–some voices are considered more important than others. Consequently, the voices of the supposed less important people, like the low-voltage indicator, can […]


Better one-to-ones

Of all the things I do in my job, one-to-one’s are my favourite – yeah I know, crazy eh? I love talking with my team about their ideas, challenges, goals; giving (and getting) feedback; and helping them (and me) grow. And I’m sure they were Captain Kirk’s favourite too. Check out my latest article on […]


13 things that make a great leader

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about leadership. So I wrote an article on Medium about the 13 things I think make a great leader.


Curve balls

I tweaked a glute muscle in January at the track. I had a minor slip on some water, but at the root of it was some weakness that I should have long ago tended to. So I’ve been off running largely, relegated to short under 5k runs when I can (the exception was a 10k […]


The Number 13

I read this article the other day about the number 13. I also read recently that President Franklin D. Roosevelt didn’t like the number 13. He hated to travel on Friday the 13th and having 13 people at dinner (he even avoided it at death as he died on Thursday, April 12, 1945, just before […]


A look back at 2014

I rolled into 2014 while on vacation in Brussels, Belgium with my family. Post our New Year’s Eve dinner I made three resolutions, here’s how I fared: A guideline: smile more I honestly tried at this every day and made a point of the first thing when I woke up being a smile. It started […]