
What makes a good boss according to Google

Google decided in 2009 to apply its prowess at technical research and analysis to find out what made great managers stand out from merely good or bad ones. It analyzed mountains of performance reviews, surveys, and other sources of information and submitted them to extensive crunching, pulling apart “more than 10,000 observations about managers—across more […]


Holacracy: all voices matter

…an organization, like a plane, is equipped with sensors in the form of its people, all of whom are capable of sensing the reality around them. Unfortunately, in command-and-control organizations, not everyone’s voice matters–some voices are considered more important than others. Consequently, the voices of the supposed less important people, like the low-voltage indicator, can […]


Better one-to-ones

Of all the things I do in my job, one-to-one’s are my favourite – yeah I know, crazy eh? I love talking with my team about their ideas, challenges, goals; giving (and getting) feedback; and helping them (and me) grow. And I’m sure they were Captain Kirk’s favourite too. Check out my latest article on […]


13 things that make a great leader

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about leadership. So I wrote an article on Medium about the 13 things I think make a great leader.

Leadership User Experience

Digital Design Leadership interview with Fresh Tilled Soil

I spent some time in January 2014 talked with Richard Banfield from Fresh Tilled Soil about my experiences and ideas as a digital design leader. It was fun to share. Here’s what came out of that — watch my interview now. On a side note, I’m a lot thinner now. Must be all that running.


Lead with “why”

From Bruce Temkin’s blog: Lead with why. Most corporate communications focus on “what” and “how,” telling people what needs to be done and how they should accomplish it. This command and control pattern may elicit short-term compliance, but it’s efficacy decays quickly and it loses value completely when situations change and the “how” no longer […]


8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses

Great article on the Core Beliefs of Great Bosses on Inc.’s site. Below are the Extraordinary Boss traits: Extraordinary bosses… see business as a symbiosis where the most diverse firm is most likely to survive and thrive. They naturally create teams that adapt easily to new markets and can quickly form partnerships with other companies, […]