
The Number 13

I read this article the other day about the number 13. I also read recently that President Franklin D. Roosevelt didn’t like the number 13. He hated to travel on Friday the 13th and having 13 people at dinner (he even avoided it at death as he died on Thursday, April 12, 1945, just before […]

I read this article the other day about the number 13. I also read recently that President Franklin D. Roosevelt didn’t like the number 13. He hated to travel on Friday the 13th and having 13 people at dinner (he even avoided it at death as he died on Thursday, April 12, 1945, just before Friday the 13th).

What tweaked my interest was the fact that the number 13 has been a huge part of my life, and frankly a great number:

  • My wife’s wedding ring has 13 diamonds
  • My son was born on the 13th day of the month
  • I’ve been happily married for 13 years
  • Our address “616” when you add each of the numbers equals 13
  • If you take the birthdays of each of our family members (30, 24, 13) and add each of the individual numbers, it equals 13

Thirteen isn’t that bad. Besides, life’s too short to worry about numbers.