
Get it done

We all have the same 24-hours. Some of us get it done, others don’t. Why the difference? Priorities. It might not be that I’m not “getting it done”, it could be that I’m not for the right reasons.


Art or business?

Jill Magid, the artist, reframing a situation: In 2002, as an artist in residence at the Rijksakademie, in Amsterdam, Magid began noticing the large number of surveillance cameras in the city—anonymous gray boxes, mounted on everything from the corners of buildings to coffee-shop awnings. One February morning, she went to the police headquarters and explained […]


New Year’s Resolutions: 2015

So another year is upon us. Here’s my resolutions for 2015: Guideline: play more The biologist Marc Beckoff once said “Play is training for the unexpected”. Life is full of unexpected things and I feel like I need more play in my life. There was a great PechaKucha 20×20 talk about this recently The Importance […]


HBX tips and tricks

Semphonic has posted a whitepaper entitled HBX Tips and Tricks. Included are some ideas on longitudinal analysis, content match analysis and others. Worth a grab if you use HBX.