
Love, change

For the first time in a few years, change abounds. New opportunities, new people, new ways of working. Change is a friend not a foe and often signals opportunity more often than not. Each change seemingly a positive bit of momentum towards something better.


Curve balls

I tweaked a glute muscle in January at the track. I had a minor slip on some water, but at the root of it was some weakness that I should have long ago tended to. So I’ve been off running largely, relegated to short under 5k runs when I can (the exception was a 10k […]


The Number 13

I read this article the other day about the number 13. I also read recently that President Franklin D. Roosevelt didn’t like the number 13. He hated to travel on Friday the 13th and having 13 people at dinner (he even avoided it at death as he died on Thursday, April 12, 1945, just before […]


A look back at 2014

I rolled into 2014 while on vacation in Brussels, Belgium with my family. Post our New Year’s Eve dinner I made three resolutions, here’s how I fared: A guideline: smile more I honestly tried at this every day and made a point of the first thing when I woke up being a smile. It started […]


New Year’s Resolutions – 2014

Here’s my 2014 resolutions: A guideline: smile more A smile makes a better introduction and keeps you positive. Can’t go wrong with this. A lifestyle change: eat more vegetarian and in moderation I love food, but food does not love me at times. With a carnivore wife and son, finding a balance can be hard, […]


A look back at 2013

Coming into 2013 I made three resolutions. Here’s how I progressed with each of them: A guideline: listen more, talk less I felt I made some good progress here. Feedback from others was that I seemed more patient and that I was giving them the room they needed. That said, this might come back as […]


New Year’s Resolutions – 2013

Here’s my resolutions for 2013: A guideline: listen more, talk less Sometimes my excitement for things and desire to lead means I’m the first to jump in. This year I’m going to focus on listening more. As they say, you have two ears and one mouth and use should use them in the same ratio. […]


Our fire story on TV

Global TV aired our fire story tonight on the 6pm news. Nice to see they used a lot of the video and even some of us talking about it.


A fire story

This post is a true story. Oddly it’s a story I feel like I’ve been telling for many years, ingrained and intertwined in the fabric of my family. It is a sad story, a personal story and a story I’m glad I can finally share. In February 2010, 2.5 years after moving from Vancouver to […]