User Experience

Today’s iPhone WTF

Huh. I just realized you can create events in the calendar on the iPhone, but you can’t invite people to those events. How big of an oversight is that?

Apple User Experience

My iPhone wishlist

The more I use my iPhone, the more I spot things that bug me that I’d like to see improved: Calendar Don’t fix the all day events area, allow it to scroll as I move up and down in day view. I use all day events a lot and sometimes this means I can’t see […]

Information Architecture User Experience

Upcoming conferences: IDEA and CanUX

I’m off to a couple conferences in the next few months: IDEA Conference The IDEA Conference is a yearly conference about Information: Design, Experience and Access that is sponsored by the Information Architecture Institute. I’m looking forward to seeing David Armano (Critical Mass), Chris Crawford, Bill DeRouchey, Dave Gray, Andrew Hinton and Edwina von Gal. CanUX This Canadian UX conference is a great […]

User Experience

Real ease-of-use with hCard

When we launched the new site back in June, we deployed hCard support on our Contact Us page. Deploying the microformat was easy for Dan and Stuart and even though it is not used a lot, it’s a nice progressive touch that makes it easier for customers to grab our contact details and add […]

Banking User Experience Web Analytics

Launch of the new North Shore Credit Union site

Today we launched our latest version of I have to admit that I’m very happy with the outcome. When I started work on this project earlier in the year. The goals were simple: Make it easier for people to complete key tasks Blend our personal and business offering (users were not self identifying with […]

User Experience

Adaptive Path UX Intensive Vancouver

Adaptive Path is bringing their UX Intensive to Vancouver, November 12-15. Take in four in-depth days on Design Strategy, Design Research, Interaction Design and Information Architecture. If you register now you can get an early-bird discount and guarantee a spot! These sell out fast.

User Experience

Gerry McGovern masterclass

Those of you in Vancouver: Gerry McGovern is coming to town on May 10-11 for one of his ‘Creating Customer-Centric Websites’ masterclasses. Sadly I won’t be able to take this one in as I’ll just getting back from the EMetrics Summit and am stuck in meetings. I used Gerry earlier in the year for some […]

Usability User Experience

Right-hand vs. left-hand navigation

On the NSCU site we have positioned the navigation on the right, rather than the traditional left-hand side [example: our credit cards page]. Often when the site gets reviewed by an outside consultancy or “expert”, they comment on the navigation position and suggest we move it to the left. Afterall “that’s the way everyone does […]