Product Management User Experience

ProductCamp Vancouver presentation

I had a great day yesterday at the first ever ProductCamp Vancouver. Lots of great information sharing and networking with various people both local and beyond. My presentation, UX for Product Managers, is below. Thanks to everyone who attended and for all your feedback.

Creativity User Experience

UX ideas in the cards

My latest UX Magazine article, UX Ideas in the Cards, is now available or you can read it below. In the article I discuss some of my favourite UX card decks and how these tactile, easy-to-use tools, are great for expanding your creativity and problem solving. Enjoy the read.

User Experience

Plain language tenets in UX

My article, Plain Language Tenets in UX, is now live on the UX Magazine website. First of many articles I will be contributing in the future.

Information Architecture User Experience

Doing a content audit or inventory

This is a re-post of my article Doing a content audit or inventory that was posted on the nForm blog January 26, 2010. This past couple weeks I’ve been doing a large content audit and inventory. With the increased attention on content strategy the audit/inventory seems to be making a comeback. In this post I’m […]

User Experience

The fine art of listening

This is a re-post of my article The fine art of listening that was posted on the nForm blog December 22, 2009. As UX practitioners we help create things that are better, more usable, better organized, easier to engage with, help sell more stuff or reduce costs (a non-exhaustive list). Many of our methodologies and […]

Information Architecture User Experience

Reflections on CanUX

Another CanUX conference has wrapped up. This annual gathering of UX professionals (mostly Canadian) is a great opportunity to connect with one another, share knowledge, ideas and approaches. I love attending and can’t imagine a year without it. This was the last year for the conference in Banff, coming years will see it move around […]

Information Architecture Jobs and Careers User Experience

Farewell CM, hello nForm

On October 28 I wrapped up my work as Director of Information Architecture at Critical Mass. I really enjoyed the role, especially getting back to managing people and work (something I’m told I’m good at). Over my five months at CM I tripled the size of our team; addressed a number of issues within the practice; […]

User Experience Visual Thinking

Visual thinking & note-taking

This post also appeared on the Habanero UE Group blog. Cross-posted here for information sake. Yesterday, I attended an online webinar put on by VizThinkU entitled Visual Note-taking 101. The speakers/sketchers were a wonderfully talented bunch including Austin Kleon, Sunni Brown and Mike Rohde and moderated by Dave Gray (XPLANE). The format was informal and took […]

User Experience

Sustainability and user experience

I work in an industry where most of what we create doesn’t last very long. Businesses change, technology changes, needs change, products change, and people change. Before you know it, the website/intranet/application I once helped build is eventually replaced, overhauled and the countless hours, effort and time of many individuals is erased in minutes from a server […]

User Experience

User Experience Done Right!

Habanero is holding a two-day training event (in Calgary on December 3-4, 2008 and in Regina on January 26-27, 2009) User Experience Done Right! provides participants with a variety of tools and techniques for creating exceptional user experiences. The course is designed for executives, IT managers, project managers, developers, and designers who want to learn how […]