
This week’s remainders

Yes, not all of us as be prolific bloggers. Some of us have kids. On the other hand Avanish does both so what’s my excuse. This week’s remainders: – More Internet users visiting US newspaper websites: good news for online banking. Finally someone else who thinks like I do about the growth potential in […]

Analytics Vendors

Getting ready to renew your web analytics contract?

We’re about to start re-negotiation of our web analytics contract. I’m happy with our current tool and will likely renew, but here’s some things you might want to consider if you’re in a similar boat: Did you get everything you paid for the first time around? – Often secondary services, training and consulting time are […]


This week’s remainders

This weeks remainders: “Come look, come look!”, I shouted to my wife. She comes down and I’m pointing at the computer screen. “Look, Avanish mentioned me on his blog”. “What’s an Avinash?”, she says. Well not all of us in the house eat and breath the web. Many thanks to Avinash for mentioning my blog […]


This week’s remainders

Corunet. El blog. – Roll your own heatmaps LiquidX – PlotKit – Javascript Chart Plotting Stefan Eyram on One Degree – How To: Track Offline and Online Leads With Unique URLs Open source, Ruby on Rails driven CMS – Radiant CMS. Lovely. Perhaps I should move away from WordPress…

Web Analytics

UBC web analytics – coming soon to my already busy schedule

I finally got off my butt and registered for the UBC Award of Achievement in Web Analytics put together in partnership with the Web Analytics Association (WAA). I’ve been watching this course develop over the last few months and am very impressed with what Jim Sterne and many others have put together. I’ve never done […]

KPIs Search Analytics Web Analytics

Learn more with Hurol Inan

I just picked up Hurol Inan’s two books Measuring the Success of your Website and Search Analytics. Hurol offers them in either PDF or print versions and has a sweet deal if you buy both online. I’ve been a big Hurol fan for sometime now and these books just reinforce the fact that he is one […]

Analytics Vendors

Google analytics – now with “no more waiting”

The Google blog reports that “any with a website can instantly create [an account] by visiting or by clicking the Analytics tab within AdWords”. Yipee! Release the hounds.


This week’s remainders

Avinash Kaushik – Trinity: A Mindset & Strategic Approach. The man is a god, I tell you, a god. Look out Burby. Jim Novo – Two metrics from Jim Novo – the grand old master’s post from Conversion University. How’d I miss this one? Gerry McGovern – The Long Neck. Great post. For some reason […]



Semphonic has published an interesting whitepaper on web analysis from a functionalist perspective. You can download the white paper here in PDF format. I haven’t had a ton of time to drill through it but I like the concepts and it is a unique approach with some definite value. Their functionlist approach “breaks up a […]

Analytics Vendors

Choosing your analytics vendor

Everyone always asks me who we use and why we chose WebSideStory (WSS) over other vendors. My answer is simple. We chose WSS over other vendors because they took the time and made the effort to let us see, use and understand their product. How innovative! (note: some other vendors did the same to varying […]