Analytics Vendors Omniture Web Analytics

Omniture completes acquisition of Visual Sciences

It’s official, the deal is done. The highlights: Omniture is going to continue to support the HBX product line and will continue to invest in Platform 5 and its applications under a new brand, Discover OnPremise.  Additionally, Search and Publish will initially be integrated into Omniture SiteCatalyst through Omniture Genesis while we develop a comprehensive […]

Analytics Vendors Web Analytics

Ask Semphonic about Omniture/Visual Sciences

If you are an HBX client (like me) you’ll be interested in attending Semphonic’s upcoming webinar. Details below: This is your chance to hear Semphonic’s leading practitioners talk about the Omniture acquisition of Visual Sciences and ask them specific questions around the impact, alternatives and implications! Ask Semphonic is a FREE Q&A webinar hosted by […]

Web Analytics Web Analytics Association WAA

WAA breakfast series

The IIMA is hosting kicking off the WAA Regional Event breakfast series in Vancouver, BC on December 4, 2007 with Jim Sterne (guru) and John Hossack from VKI Studios. John is showing a case study for Google Website Optimizer and Jim will be talking about “maturity of the web analytics industry, the level of expertise among […]

Analytics Vendors Web Analytics

From today’s Visual Sciences earnings call

Jim MacIntyre of Visual Sciences comments on Omniture’s acquisition of Visual Sciences (source: Q3 2007 Earnings Call Transcript) Glad to see:  Strong commitment to support of existing customers during the coming few quarters Desire to work to make the transition smooth for customers Combined client base of over 4000 customers, increased efficiency and increased scale with the […]

Analytics Vendors Web Analytics

Web Analytics Demystified Fall 2007 Survey

Twice a year WA-guru Eric Peterson conducts a survey of the practitioner, vendor, and consultant landscape in an attempt to answer critical questions about web analytics. The Fall 2007 Survey is focusing on web analytics tools and will examine their distribution of deployment and overall customer satisfaction with the tools and the vendors who supply […]

Persuasion Web Analytics

Twist image podcast with Bryan Eisenberg and Avinash Kaushik

Mitch Joel from Twist Image has posted #71 in his podcast series – Six Pixels of Separation. This time it’s an interview with Bryan Einsenberg and Avinash Kaushik. According to Mitch it has “tons of philosophy and insights about consumers, their online experiences, voice of the customer, and where the Web will (hopefully) go” Download […]

Web Analytics

Upcoming webinar: using web analytics with silverlight

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) and media players built with Microsoft Silverlight are easily integrated with web analytics services like WebTrends On Demand.  Web Analytics services collect data about web usage behavior and allow businesses to measure how web sites perform against business goals.  Because most web analytics services use JavaScript page tags to identify and […]

Web Analytics Web Analytics Association WAA

WAA – no analytics tracking?

I was just using Stéphane Hamel’s WASP and checking out a couple sites. Anyone else find it odd that the WAA site doesn’t have any web analytics tracking on their pages? Why aren’t all the big vendors drooling over this one as a client and case study? (the WAA could load a bunch of tools […]

Web Analytics

What next?

By next week, I wrap up the last of my UBC web analytics courses (I’m hoping I can maintain my A+ grade average). What’s next? I’m not sure. One option is to expand my current role and grow the web analytics side of things. There’s lots I haven’t been able to do and much more […]

Books Web Analytics

Review – Web Analytics An Hour a Day

Avinash Kaushik’s new book Web Analytics An Hour a Day has been on my bookshelf for a couple months (not for lack of interest, but rather because I was too busy with the launch of our new site, my web analytics course, holiday and family visits). Finally I got a chance to sit down with it over […]