
New Year’s Resolutions – 2013

Here’s my resolutions for 2013: A guideline: listen more, talk less Sometimes my excitement for things and desire to lead means I’m the first to jump in. This year I’m going to focus on listening more. As they say, you have two ears and one mouth and use should use them in the same ratio. […]

Career Planning Information Architecture

Finding an IA job, idea #3: practice listening

This is part 3 in a short series I’m doing on finding an IA job. Read the previous parts: part 1, part 2 The always eloquent Mark Hurst had a great piece recently on the importance and value of listening entitled Listening is Hard. Two things in particular stuck out for me as an important […]


When did I stop creating?

I saw Wil perform tonight. It was intimate show, small venue with a couple hundred folks. It was a great show. Reminded me of my former days as a musician (I’m a drummer) and the joy of being on stage. My takeaway though wasn’t just the music. Mostly it is that I seem to have […]


8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses

Great article on the Core Beliefs of Great Bosses on Inc.’s site. Below are the Extraordinary Boss traits: Extraordinary bosses… see business as a symbiosis where the most diverse firm is most likely to survive and thrive. They naturally create teams that adapt easily to new markets and can quickly form partnerships with other companies, […]

Information Architecture User Experience

The five secrets of innovation

An interesting article about a recently completed six-year study of more than 3,000 executives and 500 innovative entrepreneurs that uncovered the five skills that drive innovation. The five skills are: Associating: The ability to connect seemingly unrelated questions, problems or ideas from different fields. Questioning: Innovators constantly ask questions that challenge the common wisdom. They […]

Information Architecture

World IA Day (Vancouver)

Registration is now open for World IA Day 2012 here in Vancouver. Looks like a great lineup of speakers including my former colleague Jess McMullin (Centre for Citizen Experience), Karyn Zudinga (Analytic Design Group), Samantha Starmer (REI), Gordon Ross (OpenRoad) and Karen Pecknold.


Our fire story on TV

Global TV aired our fire story tonight on the 6pm news. Nice to see they used a lot of the video and even some of us talking about it.


You may ask yourself

Here’s a question that you should clip out and tape to your bathroom mirror. It might save you some angst 15 years from now. The question is, What did you do back when interest rates were at their lowest in 50 years, crime was close to zero, great employees were looking for good jobs, computers […]

Brand Experience

IBM’s plan

Samuel J. Palmisano, IBM, on his guiding framework for IBM’s strategy: “Why would someone spend their money with you – so what is unique about you?” “Why would somebody work for you?” “Why would society allow you to operate in their defined geography – their country?” “And why would somebody invest their money with you?” […]

Information Architecture User Experience

UX tools

“If you’ve ever interviewed people…you know that beautiful documents and prototypes are meaningless if in the end, they don’t demonstrate good problem solving, and good design decision making. ” @konigi