Banking User Experience Web Analytics

Launch of the new North Shore Credit Union site

Today we launched our latest version of I have to admit that I’m very happy with the outcome. When I started work on this project earlier in the year. The goals were simple: Make it easier for people to complete key tasks Blend our personal and business offering (users were not self identifying with […]

Web Analytics

Web Analytics Wiki

Dylan Lewis (Intuit) has launched a web analytics wiki today. Check it out at According to Dylan, “the goal is to make the Wiki THE place to provide details, articles, lore and information about the world of web analytics”. This wiki is meant to provide an online resource for web analytics professionals and people […]

Web Analytics

EMetrics Summit

Here’s my high-level coverage on the EMetrics Summit. I’ll be adding to it each day. May 6 Took in two of the WAA Training Day sessions. In the morning session, Stéphane Hamel presented the Web Analytics for Site Optimization course. I recently finished this course and enjoyed his presentation. I would like to have heard […]

Web Analytics

Judah on measuring the social web

Judah Phillips put together an excellent post on measuring the social web. Really liked the quote at the top of the post: Today, technology has given customers control to determine what messages they will listen to and when they will listen – as well as a means to let their own voice be heard. This […]

Web Analytics

Off to the EMetrics Summit

I’m off to my first EMetrics Summit — in San Francisco. I’m going down on Saturday night and will be there Sunday for the Web Analytics Association Training Day. Even though I’m making my way through the UBC courses I decided to signup for the WAA Training Day as it will give me a recap […]

KPIs Web Analytics

Measuring content effectiveness

Recently I began work on a small analytics project. I wanted to establish an a KPI measurement of our site content effectiveness. The plan was to develop a scorecard that could be leveraged on a regular basis by our communications staff (the content writers) to help them determine what pages and content needed to be fixed. […]

Banking Web Analytics

Net.Finance 2007

I’m off to the Net.Finance conference next week. A bunch of us from the credit union’s here in BC are heading down — should be fun. I’m not presenting this year (did last year) but will be catching William’s presentation on Vancity’s ChangeEverything project. There are many topics being covered, but not too much on […]

Web Analytics

Interview with Anil Batra

My interview with Anil Batra on his web analytics site.

Web Analytics

My week with web analytics

I’ve had an interesting week with web analytics: First, I spent some time chatting with my favorite analytics consultant (bless her patient heart) trying to work out a new mashup KPI and content scorecard to help us measure our content effectiveness and set some priorities (seems like there is a never-ending list of things to […]

Web Analytics

Account migration with HBX

Oh what fun, what joy. Today I started migrating my current HBX account over under a new “centerpoint ID” and accounts (cost savings among the reasons). Turns out that while WebSideStory has a method to migrate stats data from one account to another, it does not have a method for doing the same with their […]