Analytics Vendors Web Analytics

ClickTale upgrades

The folks at ClickTale have upgraded their app to include some new features. Included in the changes: Form analytics (read about form analytics on their blog post) Improved recording and playback so you can now see all visitor actions inside online forms including mouse movements, keystrokes and interactions with controls such as drop-down lists, check boxes, […]

Analytics Vendors Omniture Web Analytics

Omniture completes acquisition of Visual Sciences

It’s official, the deal is done. The highlights: Omniture is going to continue to support the HBX product line and will continue to invest in Platform 5 and its applications under a new brand, Discover OnPremise.  Additionally, Search and Publish will initially be integrated into Omniture SiteCatalyst through Omniture Genesis while we develop a comprehensive […]

Analytics Vendors Web Analytics

Ask Semphonic about Omniture/Visual Sciences

If you are an HBX client (like me) you’ll be interested in attending Semphonic’s upcoming webinar. Details below: This is your chance to hear Semphonic’s leading practitioners talk about the Omniture acquisition of Visual Sciences and ask them specific questions around the impact, alternatives and implications! Ask Semphonic is a FREE Q&A webinar hosted by […]

Analytics Vendors Web Analytics

From today’s Visual Sciences earnings call

Jim MacIntyre of Visual Sciences comments on Omniture’s acquisition of Visual Sciences (source: Q3 2007 Earnings Call Transcript) Glad to see:  Strong commitment to support of existing customers during the coming few quarters Desire to work to make the transition smooth for customers Combined client base of over 4000 customers, increased efficiency and increased scale with the […]

Analytics Vendors Web Analytics

Web Analytics Demystified Fall 2007 Survey

Twice a year WA-guru Eric Peterson conducts a survey of the practitioner, vendor, and consultant landscape in an attempt to answer critical questions about web analytics. The Fall 2007 Survey is focusing on web analytics tools and will examine their distribution of deployment and overall customer satisfaction with the tools and the vendors who supply […]

Analytics Vendors

WebTrends CEO and others leave company

The Portland Business Journal is reporting that WebTrends CEO Greg Drew and three other executives have left WebTrends. Looks like the new management page on confirms this. What’s up?

Analytics Vendors

Omniture acquires Visual Sciences

No surprise here for many. It would have been nice to see things go the other way, but c’est la vie. Read the press release (VS) and read the press release (Omniture). With this much analytics power under one roof the future will be interesting. My guess is that HBX will disappear with current clients […]

Analytics Vendors

HBX 4.1

Visual Sciences released HBX 4.1 today. A bunch of new features (many of them long-overdue) including: Campaign hierarchy and reporting – You can now assign classifications to campaigns (up to 10) and report on performance across attributes. For example compare ads across properties, by ad size across various publications or more easily identify top performers […]

Analytics Vendors

Are we heading towards vendor consolidation in Web Analytics?

I noted at the beginning of the year in my predictions that we’d see some amalgamation among the vendors. This was confirmed a few weeks ago when Visual Sciences announced that they were looking at a number of offers with the assistance Goldman, Sachs & Co. Not surprising: Omniture seems to be going gangbusters these […]

Analytics Vendors

Omniture purchases Touch Clarity

Well another high-profile purchase by Omniture today. Matt Belkin and company picked up Touch Clarity who’s real-time predictive modelling, data mining tools are very well assembled, thoughtfully implemented and have provided some impressive results across a number of key clients. I saw a demo a few months ago of the work they had did with […]