Creativity Miscellany

The mind of an architect

In the early 1950s, the Institute of Personality Assessment and Research (IPAR) at the University of California, Berkeley began developing new and different ways to analyze personalities. The scientists at IPAR attempted what many thought was impossible: to study creativity in a methodical and scientific way, working to determine what specific personality traits make certain […]

Creativity User Experience

You can’t save your way to innovation

Great post from Allan Cooper “…if there is something you can do to enhance the creative abilities of your people, it doesn’t really matter how much it costs, or how long it takes. What does matter is if it results in a successful invention, or a compelling design.” Source:


When did I stop creating?

I saw Wil perform tonight. It was intimate show, small venue with a couple hundred folks. It was a great show. Reminded me of my former days as a musician (I’m a drummer) and the joy of being on stage. My takeaway though wasn’t just the music. Mostly it is that I seem to have […]

Creativity User Experience

Great design is tricky

Fantastic quote: “Great design is tricky. It’s easy to pick apart decisions after an app ships and second-guess its creators. What’s harder — as anyone who has ever created something knows — is being the guy in the room who has to fashion those decisions from whole cloth” From Dave Wiskus in his article Cheap […]

Creativity User Experience

UX ideas in the cards

My latest UX Magazine article, UX Ideas in the Cards, is now available or you can read it below. In the article I discuss some of my favourite UX card decks and how these tactile, easy-to-use tools, are great for expanding your creativity and problem solving. Enjoy the read.