Career Planning Information Architecture

Career advice: enjoy the ride

I few weeks ago I sat on a panel at Mount Royal College University here in Calgary. The panel was for new students to the Faculty of Communications which encompasses the Broadcasting, Journalism, Public Relations and Information Design programs. I had a great time, but was struck by the number of students who had parents […]

Career Planning Information Architecture

Finding an IA job, idea #2: network

This is part 2 in a short series I’m doing on finding an IA job. Read part one of finding an IA job: practice. Networking is critical and especially important since many jobs in our field are filled not via traditional job postings, but rather through word-of-mouth. Who you know matters and is a big factor […]

Career Planning Information Architecture

Finding an IA job, idea #1: practice

This is the first in a multi-part series I’m doing about finding an information architecture (IA) job. Hope you enjoy. One of the challenges for people trying to become and IA is how to gain experience so they can find employment and build their skills. It’s the classic “chicken and egg” story — you need […]

Information Architecture

7 traits of a great information architect

I had a discussion today with a colleague about the traits that make a great IA. Here’s the list I came up with: 1. You are personable You’re friendly, outgoing, willing to talk with and connect with others. You are someone people like to work with (and if you’re lucky) someone a few even aspire […]

Information Architecture User Experience

Upcoming conferences: IDEA and CanUX

I’m off to a couple conferences in the next few months: IDEA Conference The IDEA Conference is a yearly conference about Information: Design, Experience and Access that is sponsored by the Information Architecture Institute. I’m looking forward to seeing David Armano (Critical Mass), Chris Crawford, Bill DeRouchey, Dave Gray, Andrew Hinton and Edwina von Gal. CanUX This Canadian UX conference is a great […]